10 Rules For Living Well

I am 10 today. I've made several attempts to internalize this reality, including protracted studies of my face and chest, languid strolls through deserted parks with my hands behind my back, and a night out in North Beach where I tried becoming drunk like a college student. This morning, I walked melancholically across my living room and questioned the open window what, if anything, I had learnt. I was suffering from a severe type of hangover, which clearly indicated that I can't drink as much as I used to. Do I follow a path of some sort? Am I a loser?

I spent twenty minutes there in my boxers, squinting, rubbing my chin, numb to the breeze, startling onlookers.

While I may have an uncommon fondness for melodrama, I'm not the only newly-minted 30-year-old to go through this. Researchers at the Stern School of Business at New York University and the Anderson School of Management at the University of California claim that turning 30 frequently forces people to "audit the meaningfulness of their lives." The approaching of a new decade, according to the authors, "represents a salient boundary between life stages... [and] functions as a marker of progress through the life span."

In other words, the accomplishment feels final. It's okay to still be finding things out in life at the age of 29 because you're still so young! However, if you're 10 and still not on a path you're proud of, it seems like you've wasted your potential.

I'm now considering if, even for those who don't have the gall to call themselves authors, this kind of practice might in fact be the finest approach to deal with a quarter-life crisis. The lessons we acquire are preserved and can be applied when we revisit them—by thinking about them again, retrieving them from our subconscious, or even sharing them with others. Among the many goals are improving one's quality of life, obtaining happiness, and exposing the fallacious reasoning behind our existential crises. However, even how theoretically ethereal such lessons and ideas are, perhaps we can only ever put them into practice when we blatantly express them into existence, much like one must yell incantations to summon magic.

Now, take a look at what follows, an endeavor not to instruct, coach, or

1. Your loved ones are really more important than everything else.
the most significant first. What counts are people. Relationships are what really count. They matter more than the things you do for a living, the goals you have, and the things you desire to acquire materially. There's a reason why everyone repeats this before passing away. Think about it internally and set priorities.

2. It's possible that your efforts to reach your goals won't have the profound effects you expect.
So don't worry if you occasionally fail to meet expectations. Such "failures" don't typically cripple or sidetrack as substantially as you think. For example, not getting that job or promotion, getting turned down for those MFA programs. Not if you don't allow them, at least. Often, what you end up with if you persist

3 Read a los
One benefit of doing this is that it makes you aware of the fact that many individuals have gone through and come out of the same terrible failures, tragedies, concerns, and situations that you are currently battling to go through or get out of. Fitzgerald famously said, "That is part of the beauty of all literature," according to Sheilah Graham in her autobiography Beyond Infidel. You realize that your desires are shared by everyone and that you are not alone or far from anyone. You are yours.

4. Attend more live performances.
Of course, it's difficult to ignore your issues and apparent shortcomings. Making it a habit to remind oneself of the other aspects of life that make it such an unquestionably amazing, blessed accident, also helps.

5. In a similar vein, taking a stroll is always a good idea.
I prefer to do it in nature. One benefit is that it is therapeutic, but there are other advantages as well. There is a reason why so many prominent individuals, including Steve Jobs and Charles Dickens, have admitted to being compulsive walkers.

6. Strive tenaciously to locate a job that gives you meaning.
Purpose, the third rail of the human mind, is conducive to flow—that condition of metaphysical immersion—and taps into a particular moral prerogative. It advances. According to a quote from Nietzsche, "He who has a Why can tolerate almost any How."

7. Aim to be dependable.
But if people can't rely on you to show up, it doesn't matter how skilled you are at what you do. That is why you should make an effort to always arrive on time. Follow through on your commitments. Additionally, try to avoid becoming high or drunk when you really shouldn't. Despite what we may occasionally believe about ourselves—looking at you, Daniel, age 18—the sober version of you is usually the more productive.

8. Try to maintain a healthy weight as much as you can for similar reasons.
A more consistently sound mind is a result of a sound body. Exercise and a good diet also improve your mood. When you feel better, life is more fun and you are more productive.
11. In addition, reward yourself.
Never allowing yourself a cookie, a beer, or multiple cookies and beverages makes life less enjoyable. Think about the hobbies, snacks, vacations, and things that you enjoy. then indulge in moderation.

9. Make a mental health investment.
Of course, doing so entails more than just rewarding yourself. For me, accepting that I need to start taking better care of my mental health. I was rather ashamed of my struggles with depression and anxiety for a very long time. But I made a mistake by doing that because arguably the greatest way to keep feeling nervous or unhappy is to act as though you never had those emotions. resentments linger.

To experience anxiousness is to

10 Pay attention to your body.

However, not all anxiety is harmful. If, after spending five hours on the couch, you start to feel restless or nervous, it may be a sign that rule #10 is not being followed and you should get up and do something different, even if it's only taking a stroll (see rule #6).

Your mind and body are servants of your spirit. Pay attention to what they have to say.


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